They also sing this prayer. 15 videos of “Our Father...” in different languages ​​and styles

Apostolic Symbol of Faith

Faith in God, the Holy Spirit, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and Jesus Christ, Son of Yago Adzinaga, Pan Nashag, who were conceived by the hell of the Holy Spirit, born of Dzewa Mary, martyred by the Father of Pontski Pilace, covered, commemorated er i bў pahavans; vyshoў yes adhlani, on the third day you have risen from the dead, from the dead, from the sky, sit down the right hand of God Aitz ўsemagutnaga, adtul passed the judgment of the living and the dead. Faith in the Holy Spirit, holy Kastsel of Catalica, one of the saints, holy grahoi, beautifully whole, eternal life. Amen.


You can highlight a number of tips, after implementing which you can read the Lord’s Prayer. When choosing the correct Church Slavonic version, you need to remember the main points.

  1. It is important that the words you speak are spoken with ease, your thoughts are cleared, and you are in a balanced state. It is important to forgive all sins and forget grievances. It is then that the text of the Lord’s Prayer will be heard by the Higher Powers.
  2. Before starting to pronounce the Lord’s prayer book, it is necessary to say: “I am a sinner!” Consider the reason for your conversion and begin spiritual communication with a specific goal.
  3. They pray when your faith should be strong, there is only you, Lord.
  4. It is necessary to ask permission for praise, as well as thanksgiving, said along with prayer.
  5. A positive result can be noticed if you forgive offenders, hostility, let go of envy and hatred. Only after this can one feel the benefit of the Kingdom of Heaven.
  6. During a prayer request, it is important to be focused, visualize the request, and clearly formulate the desire. Before you begin, exhale, calm down completely, your thoughts and mind should be cleared of unnecessary, negative emotions and everyday worries.
  7. The clergy advise being as light as possible during the procedure; try not to eat food beforehand, or eat light meals.
  8. It is worth noting that the Lord’s Prayer is not just a set of requests. This is the glorification of God, so it is important to tune in to the necessary mood.
  9. Priests consider it most favorable to read the Lord's Prayer when it comes from the soul. Pronounced without hesitation, from a pure heart and strong faith, it will bring the desired result.
  10. It’s not always so easy to take a break from the whole world and daily worries. Live these words; at first you can contact them mentally. Then you can move on to speaking out loud.

Anel Panski

The three days of the day - early, afternoon and evening - are called upon every day, calling upon the faithful for the praise of God and the secrecy of the whole, and for the honor of the Most Holy Lady Mary in the words and getai Malitva, which is read standing.

Anel Panski is known to Panna Mary, and she conceived the hell of the Holy Spirit. Vitay, Mary... I, Panskaya’s servant, give me a dance below Tvaygo’s words. Vitay, Mary... And the Words became whole and fell among us. Vitay, Mary... S.: Malysa for us, Holy Bagarodzitsa, N.: May we become fit for the abyssations of Christ. We pray: God, we ask you, our dear sirs, Your affection, that we, knowing the well-known Angel Christ, Your Son, have just given the torment of Iago and the roofs and painted the praises. Praz Hryst, Pan Nashaga. Amen.

Kali Anel Panski ahvyaruetstsa for the dead, then dadaetstsa: Give them eternal gifts, Pan, and the holy eternal ones give them the light. Nyahayyvayutsya at the soup. Amen.

Version two

Along with the first version, there is a version that the “Our Father” prayer appeared thanks to the suffering of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Experiencing incredible torment, he cried out to his Heavenly Father with these very words. Words of prayer.

In general, this version has a right to exist. Why? Absolutely for the very reason that the power of the above prayer is incredible. There is nothing to prove here; everything, as they say, has long been proven by time itself - prayer is very powerful, probably the most powerful of all that exists in Christianity.

It is precisely the power of this prayer that is explained by the power of the urge itself, the power of the boundless pain that the slowly dying Christ had to endure on the cross. Already in this one action, in this one event, there is not just a sacred meaning, but a power that, over the course of a single millennium, has saved people in need from all kinds of misfortunes.

The Lord's Prayer from Matthew

Luke's Lord's Prayer

Shtodzonnae ahvyaravanne

Dear Sir Jesus, I honor Tabe the Praiseless Sir Mary and all the little things, justice, prayers and roofs of the sunny day, as if prayed for the sins of May. I give you all the intentions with which you swear on the Kryzhy for us and swear on your own altars. I thank you for the saints Kascel, for the Holy One and for the intentions of this sunny day, and for the intentions of our parishes, families, saints and our relatives - living and dead. I’ll pray for the sake of all the magic hells and I pray for their souls. Amen.

Read a prayer in Italian online

To quickly find the desired text of the appeal to the Lord, online versions are provided. This makes the search task easier: you can always access the site, enter a search and go to the desired section. Another advantage is that you don’t have to carry an image of Jesus Christ with you. A version of the Lord's Prayer is also available for reading online.

Padre nostro che sei nei cieli,

sia santificato il tuo nome,

venga il tuo regno,

sia fatta la tua volontà, come in cielo così in terra.

Dacci oggi il nostro pane soprasostanziale

e rimetti a noi i nostri debiti, come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori

e non permettere che siamo indotti in tentazione; ma liberaci dal maligno.

Poiché tuo è

il Regno,

la potenza

e la gloria nei secoli.


Early Malitva

Sir and my God, at the deep pakora I stand before You on my knees and give You bow, plowing and praise. Praise be to the Most Holy Trinity! God of God, as I have been blessed, Son of God, as I have been adored, God to the Holy Spirit, as I have been sanctified! We are eternally eternal God, I thank Taba for the fact that You are kind to me this night and save the hell of rapt death. I praise You, O God, for all the thoughts, words and words of May that have served Your greater praise. For me and all my relatives, for the future and for the future, I fell to my holy apex and my disciples, so long as here on earth we served You faithfully, and the pasture of death has passed forever. Amen.

Listen to “Our Father” in Italian online for free

Many people perceive information much better through sound vibrations than during reading. In addition, listening to the recording in audio format will help you remember it faster. This method is more suitable for children. You can also include a recording for people who cannot pray on their own. This option is suitable for people who have lost their legal capacity, patients after surgery, or with exacerbation of chronic diseases. Relatives can include a recording, which will help improve the person’s physical and mental condition.

Yesterday Malitva

God is eternal and eternal, I thank you for all the caresses and blessings of this sunny day; for joy and troubles, for successes and failures. Direct everything to Your praise. I want to thank you for all my sunny rights. Get rid of the short rakhunak of confusion, jump, what is not good ўchynіў, I will say or think about the day. What kind of work do you do? What would you do, what are you doing? For good you give to God, for sins you pray.

God, Ouch the most beautiful, I express and express to all my sirs that Tsyabe – the Most High Good – is a graham of abrasion and misunderstanding. I accept the regrets and the agida of all my sins and I firmly pray for correction from your affection, and what kind of pakorn I ask for Tsyabe. God, please let me fly, you sinner! Oh my Ezu, for me it will not be Sudjou, but Zbautsam! Cyper, oh God, take me to your holy ape. Take me to hell with all my troubles and troubles, and also take my relatives and everyone for whom I’m sorry little one. Thanks to the torment, death and beauty of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, snatch us from this night of hell and death. Save us Anel Akhoinik, so that he can save us from the approaching hell of Satan. Give us a restful and peaceful sleep, so that tomorrow we will wake up healthy to praise and cultivate the name of Thygo. We ask for Praz Khrist, Pan Nashag. Amen. Ezu, Mary, holy Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul. Ezu, Marya, holy Joseph, Budztse with me, right before the kananni. Ezu, Marya, holy Yuzefa, pray for you from the rest of the spirit of Maygo. Amen. Warm sleepers, take the sign of the roof, consecrate it with water and say:

I go, O Christ, I lay down my sleep in Your name, I give my soul and wholeness to Your care. Amen. Oh our... Vitay, Mary... I believe in God... Anel Panski...

Version one

Some believe that it was this prayer that Jesus Christ suggested that Jews use at moments when they needed to pray or turn to God with some kind of request. Naturally - if you believe this version - for the first time the above prayer was heard in Aramaic, and to be completely precise, in one of its dialects, which is called Galilean. Thus, all the variations that came later are already different translations from the original.

The prayer also sounded in ancient Greek - we did not give its text - which is not surprising, because Greece can easily be called, if not the cradle of Christianity, then a manger.

In the sacred Christian books: the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke, the texts of such a revered prayer are also given, however, they differ slightly (we will give them all below so that you can personally verify this). It is worth noting that these days the version of “Our Father” in the interpretation from Matthew is more common, and it is important (based on the canons) to read the prayer three times.

Some scholars of the “word of God” still argue about the length of the prayer. For example, one of the short versions of the “Our Father” prayer:

Some are inclined to believe that the original version of the prayer was shorter, while others, on the contrary, claim that it was longer. Scientific minds, in the literal sense of the word, bite not only into every word from an ancient motif, but into every letter, or even part of a letter, trying to see Something that is still under the veil of the Great Mystery.

In Church Slavonic, the Lord's Prayer goes like this:

Ostrogoths in Tauris. Gothic language.

A few fortified Ostrogothic settlements remained in the Black Sea region in the western mountainous part of Crimea, inhabited by the Greeks and subordinate to Byzantium, and also from the 5th century in the Azov region on the Taman Peninsula, cut off at the end of the 4th century by the advance of the Huns and other nomads along the Black Sea region.

The Byzantine Emperor Justinian I built a line of defensive fortifications in the Crimea to protect the Ostrogoth settlements - the Gothic fortress city of Mangup, the cities of Doro (Doros) 20 km from Chersonesos (Sevastopol), Theodoro, Gothic traders living on the "table mountain" (near Alushta).

In the 6th century, the Crimean Goths accepted Orthodox Christianity and patronage from Byzantium. Connections of Crimea with Christian Byzantium

the Crimean-Gothic language
was preserved for a long time , dating back to the Ostrogothic dialect of the eastern Goths, who came to the Black Sea region and the Azov region in 150 - 235 , and lived in the vicinity of Greek settlers and Scythians.
The Flemish monk V. Rubruk, who testifies in 1253 that the Ostrogoths in Crimea at that time spoke the “Germanic dialect” (idioma Teutonicum).

"The Fourth Turkish Letter" by Ogier Bousbeck: a list of Crimean-Gothic words and expressions with translation into Latin

The Austrian diplomat Flemish Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq accidentally met two Crimean residents, a Goth and a Greek, in Constantinople (Istanbul) and recorded samples of the Crimean-Gothic language in his fourth “Turkish Letter” between 1560 and 1562.

The archaic language of the Goths can be called the “biblical Gothic” language. It is possible that the first Gothic settlers may have known the Gothic alphabet of Wulfila.

It is extremely important to realize the fact that the Crimean-Gothic language, from the very beginning, was an unwritten language, that is, it was not recorded in written sources.

A page from the manuscript codex of the Gothic Bible, the so-called "Silver Code". The Gothic text contains part of the Lord's Prayer (Our Father) and the Sermon on the Mount (according to O. Jaeger)

Aggilus - aggilus - angel (Greek angelos); avharistya - aiwxaristia - gratitude, communion; diabolos - diabulus - devil, diamonaris -daimonaries - possessed by a demon; smakka - smakka - fig.

Atta unsar þu in himinam, weihnai namo þein - Our Father... sunus mans - son of man; sunus mein sa liuba - sunus meins sa liuba - my (that) beloved son; sama - sa\sam - the same one. atta azwar sa in himinam - atta izwar sa in himinan - our father (that one) in heaven; atta - atta - Supreme Father; Api - aiþi - mother; ahma - ahma - spirit; abba - abba - supreme father; kaurban - kaurban - gift to the temple; asanna - asanna - hosanna.

Gothic family : Sibya - sibja - relatives (a related word in Russian: family), fadar - fadar - father, swistar - sister, brother - broþar - brother, dautar - dautar - daughter (a related word in other Russian .language: daughter), sunyus - sunjus - sons, sunive - suniwe - sons, zhens, gens - qens - wife, ginom - qin-o-m - women, guma - guma - husband, gumans - gumans - husbands, amo - amo - name, species - widowo - widow, gast - gast - guest, gastim -gast-im - guests; Petrus - Paitrus - Peter.

The Gothic texts of the Bible contain cardinal numbers: 1- ains - ains, fruma - fruma - prima, first, 2-twai - twai, antar -anþar - second, 3- tres - þreis, 4-fidwor - fidwor, 5-fimph - fimf, 6-saikhs - saihs, 7-sibun - sibun, 8-ahtau - ahtau, 9-niun - niun, 10-taihun - taihun, 11-ainlif - ainlif, 12-twalif - twalif (lif - extra). 14-fidwor -taihun, (taihun - dozen), 20-twai-tigus - twai tigjus (tigus -tigjus-ten), 30-drais-tigus - þreis tigjus, 60-saihs-tigus - saihs tigjus, hunda-faþs - hunda-faþs - centurion, 70-sibente-hund - sibunte-hund, 80-ahtaut-ehund - ahtaut ehund, 90-nine-hund - niunte-hund, 100-taihunte-hund - taihunte-hund , 200-twa-hunda - twa hunda, 300 - triya hunda - þrija hunda. Managos - managos - many.

Pronouns of the Gothic language: maina - mein-a - mine; teins - þeins - yours; sa (tsya) - sa - this; date - þata - this, so (se) - so - this; ikei - ikei - I who (related: i-koy ); ni-manna - ni-manna - no one; ni-hun - ni-hun - no one; tat\tade y - þaþ/þadei - when; neither aiv - ni aiw - never; niba (nibo) - niba - if not.

Gothic nouns: Boka - boka - book (related to the word: “az-buki”, “buka” - letter); hlaifs - hlaifs - bread; ga-hlab a - ga-hlaiba - meal table (a related word - “slurp, stew”); wato - wato - water; milux - miluks - milk; mime with - mims - meat; ustas - ússtass - Sunday; uslipa - úsliþa - sick; brunyo - brun-jo - weapon (related to the Russian word “armor”, defense); abrs - abrs - strong (related to the word - “struggle”); abraba - abr-a-ba - strongly; speculator - speculatur - squire. Wulfas - wulfaz - wolf, wulfasa - wulfasa - wolf (genus case); Nats - nahts - night; dag - dag - day; dagam - dag-am - days; daur - daur - door; mare - marei - sea; menots - menoþs - month; sleyta - sleiþa - harm. Gastiz - gastiz - guest, gastisa - gastisa - guest (genus case).

Verbs of the Gothic language: to us - nam - took, nim-am - nim-am - we take, niman - niman - to take (in other Russian languages ​​- to have). Pra (fra) - fra- away, pra (fra) - fra-niman- take away; giban - giban - to say, fragiban - fragiban - to curse; kaup - kaup - “buy”; pundan - pundan - “pound” (related to the word “pood” ). Iddya - iddja - walked, iddes - iddjes - you are walking; khaban - hab-an - to have (related to the word “grab”), habaidah - hab-ai-da - I had; vrakya - wrakja - persecution (related to the word “enemy”, “hostile”); hrukjan - hrukjan - croak.

Lizhan - ligan - lie down, lay down - lag - lay, Lazhan - lagjan - put; sitan - sitan - sit, sat - sat - sat; standan - standan - stand; sowed - saian - to sow, vayan - waian - to winnow.

Bindan, band, bundun, bundanas - bindan, band, bundun, bundans - tie, connection, bind. Vupyan - wōpjan - scream, shout, call, scream.

Bero - berō - “I am carrying”, beriz - beriz - “you are carrying”, takes - beriþ - “he, she is carrying”, beromiz - beromiz - “we are carrying”, berit - beriþ - “you are carrying”, berant — beranþ — “they carry.”

The creation of the alphabet is attributed to Bishop Wulfila (Ulfila), who in the middle of the 4th century created a translation of the Bible into Gothic. Before this, the Goths used runic writing , but Wulfila considered that runes were associated with paganism and were undesirable for translating sacred texts. The new Gothic alphabet was created on the basis of Greek with borrowings from Latin. The names of the letters come from the names of the runes.

Greco-Latin borrowings in the Gothic language : rabbai - rabbei - teacher of the law (rabbe); swnagoga - swnagoga - synagogue; aroma - aromata - incense; balsan - balsan - balm; lukarn - lu-karn - lamp (lat. lucerna - lamp) (related to the word “spray”, karn - horn); skaurpjo - skaurpjo - scorpion, kaisar - kaisar - emperor (lat. Caesar)

Slavic borrowings of the Goths in the Black Sea region : plat - plat - scarf, piece of cloth; plinsian - plinsjan - to dance; hrot - hrot - roof; house, attic; hokha - hoha - branch, branch (in Russian: plow); salba - salba - ointment (fat), salbon - salbōn - smear; leikis - leikis, (progerm. - lēkjaz) - “doctor” (related to the Russian word “ doctor ”, which comes from the Sanskrit word: lekan - lekan- “to flow, leak”); katilaz - katilaz - “cauldron”; kasya - kasja - potter; mitan - mitan - to measure; vitan - witan - to know, to be in charge; wissa - wissa - he knew (was in charge); mag - mag - I can; oh - og - I'm afraid, ohta - ohta - I was afraid; aryas - harjis - army.

The vocabulary of the Proto-Germanic language bears traces of contacts between the Proto-Germans and neighboring peoples: the Romans, Celts, Slavs. The era of intensive contacts between the Proto-Germans and the Celts and Slavs occurred in the 5th–3rd centuries BC. e.

Ethnonyms of the Gothic tribes of the 3rd - 4th centuries

Seal from Mohenjo-daro

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